Escrick 10k - volunteers needed

The Escrick 10k takes place on Sunday 22nd August. This multi-terrain race is a key fundraiser for the village, in particular for the playing fields association, which oversees the maintenance and replacement of the playground.

Volunteers are essential to the smooth running of the event, covering various roles. This includes:

  • setting up the village green - putting up the marquee and other facilities (Saturday afternoon);
  • car park coordinators - helping direct cars in the parking areas at QM's school (from 09:30am - 11am on Sunday morning - suits confident bossy people with big arms!);
  • course marshals - positioned around the course to help ensure runners go the right way and give them a supportive cheer (from about 10:45 - 12:15 on Sunday morning - a chance to see bits of the Estate not normally open to the public, and suitable for taking children along too);
  • village green roles - including giving out medals and refreshments at the finish (all morning - less walking than other roles!);
  • packing up the village green (Sunday afternoon).

If you are able to assist please contact Tim at with your name, contact phone number, and any preference for where you might help.