Escrick 10k 2015 - Thank you

This notice was last updated more than a year ago (20-Aug-2015).

The 10k run took place on August 16th this year and was a great success with the maximum number of runners (600) entered and a lovely day. I’d like to thank our fantastic group of volunteers on the course, in the car parks and around the Village Green who really make the event – we have had terrific feedback from the runners on social media who appreciate the effort you make to make them feel welcome. We are very grateful to Charlie Forbes Adam for again allowing us to use the Estate grounds for our run and to Tom King of Queen Margaret’s School who let us turn their premises into a car park for the day! I’d also like to thank the Village Green Committee for their usual hard work in setting up the event and operating the very popular BBQ, and finally the 10k Committee who put 6 months effort into creating the most successful 10k ever – over £6000 has been raised this year towards new equipment for the Playing Fields Association, a record amount and a great achievement by all involved.

Next year’s run is planned for August 21st 2016 so make a date in your diaries!

Steve Smowton, Escrick 10k Organising Committee