Parish Magazine update - December 2019
The following notice appeared in December's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council:
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: At the time of writing we are still waiting for the final proposal from North Yorkshire County Council, which is required to support our application for authority to borrow the funds for the scheme. Our County Councillor is supporting us to progress this.
Maintenance issues: There are a number of reoccurring maintenance issues including blocked drains, pavement conditions and overhanging vegetation which the Parish Council has requested the support of the County Councillor in escalating these with the Highways Authority.
Parish Councillors:
Cllr Michael Luscombe has stood down from the Parish Council. We thank Michael for his service over the past 6½ years, and his continued commitment to various other roles in the village.
We currently have four vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact us (details below) if you may be interested in joining the Council and contributing to the local community.
Application for clay extraction west of business park: The Parish Council has submitted concerns about the impact on highways (forecast ~ 100 additional HGV entries/exits per day), the loss of agricultural land and disruption from noise/dust. The Council is also seeking robust assurances that unlike other sites in the district that timely restoration will be enforced
Parish Council meeting dates: 2nd December, 6th January, 3rd February. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: