Parish Magazine Update - July 2021

The following update appearing in July 2021 Parish Magazine:

Escrick Parish Council Update 

Neighbourhood Plan:

The Neighbourhood Plan working group are seeking residents’ views on the pre-submission draft of Escrick’s Neighbourhood Plan (NDP).

As the culmination of nearly 4 years work by the team and external consultants, the NDP sets out the planning vision for our local community through to 2035.  It is the most local part of the planning hierarchy. When adopted, the NDP forms statutory guidance to District and County planning officers when making local planning decisions.  It sits alongside Selby District Council's 'Local Plan' and National Government planning policy and targets.

See (responses by 18th July 2021)

Conservation Area:

Selby District Council Planning Policy Team is running a public consultation on its Draft Conservation Area Appraisals for the parish. The draft appraisals identify the features which make a positive or negative contribution to the special character of the conservation area. The document also provides recommendations for future enhancement. 

The consultation runs for 6 weeks from Friday 18th June to Friday 30th July. See

‘Pull a stalk whilst you walk’

Himalayan Balsam is an invasive species that has established itself in Gassy Woods.  It needs active management to prevent it spreading further, and eclipsing other species.

If you are able to help by pulling up, even with just a little whilst walking in the woods, it would be greatly appreciated. See posters in the woods for details.

Councillors:  We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.

Parish Council meeting dates:  5th July, 6th September, and 4th October (no meeting in August). All meetings at 7.30pm, please check website/noticeboard for venue. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: