Parish Magazine update - October 2019

The following update appears in October 2019's Parish Magazine:

Escrick Parish Council:


A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: We have submitted the application for authority to borrow funds and are awaiting feedback. We are aware that people are keen to know when the scheme will be implemented, but at this stage of the process it is unclear when this will be, but it will be months rather than weeks. There are a number of procedural steps we need to go through to get authority to borrow, apply for a loan, and contract with North Yorkshire County Council for the work.

We are aware that some people regard the scheme as unnecessary and would prefer different options to be pursued. To recap the key points outlined in the public consultation, this is the only option that the highways authority considers to be implementable that addresses the concerns raised.   

Vehicle activated speed sign:

The County Councillor has made available £1,000 grant towards the cost of a vehicle activated speed sign for Skipwith Road.


Neighbourhood Development Plan:

The project is now moving forward to schedule public consultation on the core themes.  We will hold a public meeting on “Transport and Movement” and “Community and Amenities” at the village hall on Sunday 20th October. Please check website and noticeboard for timings nearer the time.



Former North Selby mine site: At the time of writing the planning authorities are still considering the application. Highways England has lifted its ’notice of non-determination’ on the application, being satisfied that the impact on the A19/A64 junction is acceptable. We understand that the size of the proposal has been reduced by approx. 20%, albeit this has not been formally confirmed.

Former Stillingfleet Mine site:  At the time of writing there is no further update on the application for a waste sorting centre.

Escrick brickworks tip variation: At the time of writing there is no further update on the application to extend the volume of waste to be deposited at the site.

Clay extraction west of business park: A planning application for clay extraction is expected soon.

Parish Council meeting dates:   7th October, 4th November, 2nd December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: