Census 2021

Census 2021 key findings

Households and residents:

The number of households increased to 385 (was 370 in 2011).

The number of residents in households increased to 933 (was 909 in 2011).

(The number of residents in Queen Margaret's reduced to 130 (was 169 in 2011)).

The mix of family and single person households remained broadly the same.

Employment status

The number of retired residents increased 75% from 137 in 2011 to 240 in 2021.

The number of unemployed and seeking work dropped from 12 to 1.


The number of 'level 4' qualified residents (degree level) increased by 17% from 348, to 408.

The number of 'unqualified' residents decreased by 34% from 100, to 66.


The number of households with no car or van dropped to just 28 (7% of all households)


The number of residents identifying as Christian decreased from 811 to 618 (24% drop).

12 Hindu residents and 2 Sikh residents in 2021 (both previously zero in 2011).


The amount of social housing increase from 8 households to 28 households.

The number of households owning their houses outright (no mortgage) increased by 11% to 178.

Browse the data

You can explore the 2021 Census data for Escrick further by following this link.

Previous Census Data

You can download a spreadsheet comparing key metrics from 2001, 2011, and 2021. Prior to 2001 different boundaries were in use preventing direct comparison.

Key Census Data 2001-2011-2021 (spreadsheet)

Census areas

For Census reporting, Escrick Parish is divided into 4 output areas:

E00142151 - Escrick North East - categorised by the Office of National Statistics as being within a village surrounded by inhabited countryside. The typical demographics of the area are categorised as Prospering suburbs: Prospering older families.

E00142152 - Escrick West - categorised by the Office of National Statistics as being within a village surrounded by inhabited countryside. The typical demographics of the area are categorised as Countryside: Accessible countryside.

E00142153 - Escrick Central - categorised by the Office of National Statistics as being within a village surrounded by inhabited countryside. The typical demographics of the area are categorised as Typical traits: Aspiring households.

E00142153 - Escrick rural - categorised by the Office of National Statistics as being within a hamlet or isolated settlement in inhabited countryside. The typical demographics of the area are categorised as Countryside: Agricultural.