Parish Magazine Update - December 2016

Parish Councillors: The Parish Council welcomes Rebecca Councell, who was co-opted as a Councillor at November’s meeting.

We still have a number of vacancies for Councillors - if you are interested or want to learn more about it please contact us (details below).

A19 safety: At the time of writing, 11 people have expressed an interest in Community Speedwatch, and a meeting is to be arranged. The Parish Council has agreed to send a further letter to NYCC requesting a reduction in the speed limit.

Budget 2017/18: The Parish Council will circulate surveys during November to seek views from residents to inform its budgeting process for 2017/18.

Trees: The Parish Council has received professional opinions regarding trees on public land, following concerns raised by some residents. None of the trees reported were found to be dangerous, but some works have been suggested. Due to the level of cost these will be considered as part of 2017/18 budget process next month.

Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 5th December, 9th January, 6th February, 6th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.