CPR training 2018

This notice was last updated more than a year ago (31-Oct-2018).

If the heart of someone you loved stopped beating would you know what to do?

Every year over 30,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of hospital - often witnessed by family members and friends.  

Escrick has a CPR a training kit and from time-to-time we can arrange CPR training courses for local residents. We're considering arranging another one for December or January. If you are interested, please can you email chair@escrick.org so that we have an idea of numbers, and can contact you when we have fixed a date.

Remember Escrick has a public access defibrillator, located outside Escrick & Deighton Club on Main St. 

You don't need training to use it. 

It is simple and safe. The machine gives clear spoken instructions.  If you are still not confident using it, the 999 emergency operator can also help you.  More details https://www.escrick.org/council/defibrillator/