Parish Magazine update - April 2019
The following notice appeared in April's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: The Parish Council has received details on available loans to fund a combined traffic lights/pedestrian crossing scheme. To fund the scheme over 25 years would result in annual repayments of around £8000. This would require an increase in the Parish Council precept (part of local Council tax) of around £17 per year for a band D household, rising to a maximum of £34 for band H households. The Parish Council is required to run a consultation prior to increasing the precept like this. The Parish Council has been advised that it should not run a consultation during the pre-election ‘purdah period’, therefore it is the intention to start the consultation after May’s local elections.
The Parish Council has agreed to purchase two additional streetlights to address darks spots. One for the Main St/A19/Farriers Close junction, and one on Main St between Carr Lane and the Black Bull.
Former North Selby mine site: The Parish Council has submitting a response to the application for a caravan park, supporting the principle of the scheme, but highlighting various aspects of the proposals that need amending. This includes avoiding development within the designated “Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation”; restrictions preventing permanent residence; controls of noise and light during both construction and operation; and various highways considerations. The full response is on our website.
Neighbourhood Development Plan:
Stage two of the programme is now well underway, and public meetings for the five work streams will be held of the coming months.
Tour de Yorkshire:
The Tour de Yorkshire will come through the village (Skipwith Rd, Carr Lane, A19) on Thursday, 2nd May. There will be approximately 1 hour road closures to allow the race to pass. At the time of writing timings haven’t been confirmed, but we will publish these on our website as soon as we are notified.
Historic minutes:
The Escrick Heritage project recently requested access to old Parish Council minutes. Given the public interest in the history of the village it was agreed to digitise and publish the entire history of Parish Council minutes from 1894 to the present day on the Parish Council website.
Parish Council meeting dates: 13th May, 3rd June, 1st July. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website: (April’s meeting on 1st April will be replaced by a meeting of the Finance and Admin committee)