Escrick Parish Council - June update
Escrick Parish Council - June update
May’s Parish Council meeting happened after June’s Parish Magazine went to press, so this month’s update is online only.
Eight candidates stood for election in May’s Parish Council election. As there are up to 11 vacancies, all candidates were elected uncontested.
Cllr Nigel Bartle joins the Parish Council for the first time, and Cllrs Lilian Coulson, Sara Cunningham, Michael Luscombe, Kevin Moran, John Reader, Tudor Rees and Richard Rowson are elected for another term. Cllr Rowson was reappointed as Chair. There remain three vacancies for any residents interested in joining the Council. Cllr Mervin Casling stood down prior to the election.
May’s elections also saw the election of Cllr Neil Reader as the new District Councillor for Escrick ward of Selby District Council.
We look forward to working with Neil, and would like to thank Liz Casling for her numerous contributions over the past 20 years as Councillor at County, District and Parish Councils.
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: The Parish Council resolved to go ahead with a public consultation regarding whether the Council should borrow the funds, and increase the precept to cover the associated repayments, to fund pedestrian crossings and traffic lights at the A19/Skipwith Road junction. Residents of the Parish should visit for details and to take part in the consultation.
Street lighting: The Parish Council has received a complaint from some residents of Main St seeking the removal of additional street lighting recently installed on behalf of the Parish Council. The complainants believe that the lighting is unnecessary; inconsistent with the area’s Conservation Area status; and that the Council had not adequately consulted residents of the village on the topic. In the first instance the Council is to obtain further guidance from Selby District Council as the planning authority responsible for the Conservation Area.
Former North Selby mine site: At the time of writing the planning authorities (City of York and Selby District) are still considering the application. There has been additional consultation on the highways impact of the proposed development.
Former Stillingfleet Mine site: We have been advised that planning officers will be recommending that the application for a waste sorting site is declined.
Parish Council meeting dates: 3rd June, 1st July, 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),;