Shaping the future of Selby district

From Friday 24 January, Selby District Council is asking people to get involved in the process of developing a new Local Plan. A Local Plan is a statement of planning strategy and vision for the area, which amongst other things outlines areas for development of new homes, business growth and local services such as schools. 

This will set a framework for future development in the district up to 2040.  It’ll be used by the Council to decide on planning applications and to support work with developers.

The Local Plan sits above the Neighbourhood Development Plan being developed by Escrick Parish Council: The Local Plan sets the policy for the district as a whole, whereas the Neighbourhood Development Plan sets out how Escrick contributes to the overall plan.


The Selby district is one of the fastest-growing areas in North Yorkshire, benefiting from significant new business investment and great connections to the economic hubs of Leeds, Sheffield, York and Hull.  The area’s high quality of life with relatively low house prices compared to city neighbours is also helping to raise its profile as a great place to live and a great place to do business. 

This new Local Plan will help to ensure that the right type of growth happens in the right places, supported by the right infrastructure, to benefit people already living in the area as well as to support sustainable investment in the long-term and protect and enhance the natural environment.  The plan will cover the period up to 2040.

In order to determine what the important planning issues are and prepare options for how the district will be developed, the Council’s now consulting on the ‘Issues & Options' stage of preparing the Local Plan.  Executive Member with responsibility for place shaping, Cllr Richard Musgrave, explained: 

“Nothing’s been decided at this early stage and your views and comments are therefore very important in shaping the contents of the emerging Local Plan.  It’s really important that this plan reflects the needs and aspirations of people and businesses already in the district, which is why we’re asking for views at this early stage”.

The six-week consultation starts on 24 January - comments must be received by the Council by 5pm, Friday 6 March – with full details online:

There are also some drop-in sessions for people to have their say in person.

  • Selby Library on 27 January, 2-7pm
  • Tadcaster Library on 3 February, 2-6pm
  • Barlby Library on 5 February, 2-5pm
  • Tesco, Portholme Road, Selby 13 February, 2-7pm
  • Sherburn Library on 10 February 2-5pm