Sewage on Carr Lane
The Parish Council are aware that once again the sewer on Carr Lane has overflowed on to the road.
This is an issue that the Council has been raising for some time with Yorkshire Water, and has more recently sought the support of the local MP with escalating with them.
Yorkshire Water have asked that residents report this when it occurs so that they understand the frequency of the issue. They can be contacted on 0345 1 24 24 24.
Dear Mr Adams MP
Re: Carr Lane, Escrick, YO19
Thank you for your email received 20 May 2020 and your patience while I looked into the problems your constituents have been experiencing with sewage flooding and how we can resolve this.
Our investigations here have determined that the sewers capacity struggles to cope in heavy rainfall. To help stop this from happening we have installed a holding tank under the road. This helps hold some of the water before it is discharged into the sewer. Although this hasn't fully stopped it from surcharging it has helped stop it from happening as often. We also flush through the sewer once every 90 days. This makes sure the sewer is always running at its full capacity. This can be increased or decreased at any time where needed. The last flush took place on the 25 April 2020 and the sewer was left running clear from this visit. We will visit again on or around the 23 July 2020.
To monitor the flushing's effectiveness, I would be grateful if the residents would contact us directly with any problems they are experiencing. This is so we can get a good idea how often the problems occur from the sewer, and we can revise our works where needed.
Kind Regards
Liz Barber
Chief Executive