Parish Magazine update - July 2020
Escrick Parish Council update July 2020
As the Parish Magazine is not being published at the moment, this month’s update is online only.
Covid 19:
At July’s meeting the Parish Council discussed whether to reopen the playground. It was agreed to reopen the playground with restrictions in line with Government guidance, and to keep the situation under review.
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: The Chair of the Parish Council and County Councillor met with officers from North Yorkshire County Council highways team. The County Council confirmed that they had changed their position, and that for the scheme to go ahead the Parish Council would need to fund the full life cost of the scheme, not just the initial implementation. Also the PC would need to fund a further more detailed feasibility study. Officers undertook to investigate if there was any flexibility in this position. Disappointingly, it looks like despite the local support expressed in the consultation, that the scheme is unlikely to go ahead. The Parish Council and County Councillor are looking at other avenues that may offer opportunities to address the issue, such as a the Selby District Local Plan, and the Parish Council will revisit the topic in October.
Skipwith Road speeding: The Vehicle Activated Sign has been turned to face north for southbound traffic. Initial statistics have shown a similar issue with southbound speeding, and it was resolved to seek support from North Yorkshire County Council highways team on potential speed mitigation measures for the area.
Overgrown hedges outside the Parsonage: North Yorkshire County Council confirmed they are progressing through the steps required to take action.
Motorbike noise: It was noted there had been several complaints about motorbike noise, and that police had stepped up their presence in the area.
Bus stop:
It was agreed that the Council would ask North Yorkshire County Council to ask Arriva to stop using the unmarked bus stop locations outside the church, as this caused traffic congestion and a hazard to road users. It was suggested they stop in the lay-bys just north of the Sang Thai instead.
It was agreed that the Parish Council would make further verbal representations at the City of York Council meeting on 8th July considering the application for a caravan/leisure park at the former North Selby Mine, focusing on ensuring that approval conditions are well defined, and that improvement to pedestrian/cycle access are strengthened.
The application for a waste sorting site at the former Stillingfleet mine site was due to go to NYCC planning committee in July, but appears to have been delayed again. The application for clay extraction west of Escrick business park is due to be heard in July.
Requests for help with an ‘appearance and environment’ working party have had an enthusiastic response, and a small group of residents have made great progress at tidying the area around the fountain, and planting new plants. A wildflower border along Carr Lane is being considered as a potential next initiative.
Parish Council meeting dates: 7th September, 5th October, 2nd November . All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: