Yorkshire Pudding Rally 2020
Dear Escrick Residents,
As some of you may be aware, the Yorkshire Pudding Rally is due to take place Friday 28th August to Sunday 30th August. With the current situation it will be very different to normal years, the decision has been made to not allow guests to enter the village to use the pub or the club, to further reduce the risk to local residents. All guests will be temperature tested on entering the event, and once in will not be allowed to leave and re-enter. Social distancing will be in place across the event itself as well numerous measures to adhere to government guidelines.
Selby Licencing and the Safety Advisory Group have given the go ahead to the event. However, it goes without saying that if the government guidance changes to prohibit such an event then the decision will be taken to cancel.
Permission has been granted based on the local government advice here: https://www.local.gov.uk/covid-19-outdoor-events-guidance
Escrick Park Estate