Parish Magazine update - October 2020

The following update appeared in October's Parish Magazine:

Escrick Parish Council update September 2020

Covid 19: 

At September’s meeting the Parish Council reviewed arrangements, and agreed to keep these unaltered. The Council will continue to meet via video calls, and the playground will remain open with restrictions and an enhanced cleaning regime.  Plans may change as the pandemic evolves and residents are encouraged to check the Council’s website for updates.


Skipwith Road speeding:  The Council has submitted a request to the ’95 alive’ road safety partnership requesting that they review the speeding issues on Skipwith Road. After some delay they have acknowledged the request, but are not in a position to progress at the moment due to staff shortages.

The vehicle activated sign is currently out of action, due to an electrical fault. It is due to be repaired during September under warranty.


The application for clay extraction west of the A19 / business park was approved by North Yorkshire County Council in late July.

The application for a leisure/caravan park on the former North Selby Mine site was approved by City of York Council in August.

The application for increased in-fill at the former brickworks quarry west of the business park was approved by North Yorkshire County Council in early September.

The application for a waste sorting site at the former Stillingfleet mine site has not yet be heard by committee.


The bus shelter woodwork is due to be repainted during September.

An order has been placed for an electrical supply to the fountain area, to allow the monument to be illuminated in due course.

Work on the village green fence has been delayed due to availability of contractors.

Parish Council meeting dates:  5th October, 2nd November, 6th December. All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome.  Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: