Playground update - 19th July 2021

The Parish Council have confirmed that the playground will revert to normal rules, in line with the move to step 4 on Monday 19th July.  This means that the limit of 20 persons on site will no longer apply, nor restrictions on household mixing on individual pieces of play equipment.  

However, national legislation means you still must not use the playground if you are required to isolate.

Natural Environment

The playground is in a rural setting, and we share the playground with rabbits, moles and hedgehogs amongst other animals. Mole hills and rabbit scrapes are a natural biproduct of their presence. Work is undertaken from time to time to remove the worst of these, and Wheldrake Junior Football club are working to improve the surface of the football pitch ahead of next season. 

However, inevitably there will remain uneven areas and trip hazards and care should be taken when using the facility. As rabbit scrapes and mole hills can appear at any time, always check the surface for hazards immediately before playing.

Do feel free to relocate soil from mole hills to fill rabbit scrapes if you identify specific areas of concern.