published on 8th May 2017
Please find attached information leaflet from North Yorkshire fire service: Escape Plan press releas.pdf
published on 5th May 2017
The following update will appear in June's Parish Magazine:
A19 safety: A site meeting has been held with NYCC to discuss options for improving the pedestrian crossing on the A19. NYCC agreed to investigate the feasibility of crossing improvements.
Neighbourhood Development Plan: The planning working group has started evaluating the feasibility of putting together a Neighbourhood Development Plan. Following a positive meeting with Appleton Roebuck (who have recently developed a plan), the next step is to investigate funding options.
Councillor vacancy: After nearly seven years on the council, Councillor Lamont has stood down, creating a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. Anyone interested should contact the Clerk or the Chair in the first instance (details below).
published on 2nd May 2017
City of York Council are undertaking a consultation on proposals to improve the capacity and operation of the signalised junction on the A19 to the south of York, at Crockey Hill. The consultation starts on Tuesday 2 May 2017 and closes on Friday 26 May 2017.
published on 10th Apr 2017
See attached press release from St Helen's church:
published on 7th Apr 2017
The following update will appear in May's Parish Magazine:
A19 safety: The A19 in Escrick has now been designated as a police safety camera van location. This means that police camera vans will be located on the A19 in Escrick from time to time to catch speeding and other offences. As a result of this, the Community Speed Watch group has had to stand down, as the police do not allow CSW and camera vans to operate on the same section of road. The Parish Council is very grateful for the volunteers that have given their time to CSW during its short period of operation. Separately, a site meeting is scheduled with NYCC to discuss options for improving the pedestrian crossing on the A19.
Annual meetings: The ‘Annual Meeting of the Parish Council’ and the ‘Annual Parish Meeting’ will take place on Monday 8th May at 7.30pm at the Club. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Fountain area: Now the weather has improved, work has been scheduled to repaint the posts and replace the chains around the fountain area.
published on 5th Apr 2017
by Philip King
So swift is the action, so involved the situations, so rib tickling the plot in this London hit that at its finish audiences are left as exhausted from laughter as though they had run a foot race.
See How They Run is set in the idyllic village of Merton-cum-Middlewick, England during the 1940s. It's World War II, and the village inhabitants are preparing themselves for the imminent threat of Nazi invasion. Meanwhile, resident spinster, Miss Skillon, becomes convinced that her beloved vicar's actress wife is having an affair and attempts to expose her.
Add an escaped German prisoner of war, a handsome actor, the visiting Bishop of Lax, a rotund locum priest and some meddling neighbours and hilarious confusion and mayhem result.
Galloping in and out of the four doors of an English vicarage are an American actor and actress (he is now stationed in England), a cockney maid who has seen too many American movies, an old maid who "touches alcohol for the first time in her life," four men in clergyman suits presenting the problem of which is which, for disguised as one is an escaped prisoner, and a sedate Bishop aghast at all these goings on and the trumped up stories
18th, 19th and 20th May at 7.30pm
The Village Hall, Escrick
Tickets £7
Tickets available from:
Monday Players Members
01904 728303
Further details on the production are available on our website:
published on 17th Mar 2017
Please see attached notice regarding election of County Councillors: Notice Of Election 20.03.17.pdf
published on 9th Mar 2017
The following update will appear in April's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Spring Clean: The Parish Council is very grateful to all the volunteers who took part in the ‘Escrick Spring Clean’ on Saturday/Sunday 4th/5th March. Many areas were given a thorough tidy-up, more than filling two 660 litre commercial bins with leaves, moss and other waste. Areas covered include the bus shelter War Memorial, Coronation memorial benches, Jubilee fountain area, Carr Lane footpaths and area around Main St junction, The Glade, A19 pavements & crossing islands, footpath between A19/Skipwith Road, footpaths leading to the playground, and the under 5s area of the playground. We are also very grateful to the support of Selby District Council who provided bins, bags, and litter pickers free of charge - and to Cllrs Morley Jones and Councell for organising. We hope to have a repeat event in autumn after leaf fall.
Escrick sign planter: We have a small flower planter in front of the ‘Escrick’ village sign on the A19 (near the garage). The volunteers who have kindly maintained this in recent times have now stood down, and we are looking for one or more new volunteers to take over the planting and occasional watering of flowers in this area. If you are interested, please contact
Dogs on Village Green: A complaint was received by the Parish Council regarding dogs being allowed to run freely on the Village Green - this is not allowed. The notices that were on the Green have been either damaged /removed and will be replaced. You can take your dogs across the Green on a lead to get to Gassey Wood, but please clean up after your dogs.
Business park street lighting: We are working with Escrick Business Park to explore the possibility of street lighting by the bus stops in this area.
Stillingfleet Mine redevelopment: Although outside the Parish, Escrick Parish Council will be objecting to the proposal to redevelop the site as a waste transfer station - with associated HGV traffic.
published on 2nd Mar 2017
Reminder: Escrick Spring Clean this weekend - Saturday & Sunday 2pm - 4.30pm
We are look for volunteers to give the village a spring clean - sweeping footpaths, clearing moss & leaves, picking up litter, etc
Meet at the bus shelter on Main St (opposite the club) at 2pm each day.
Rubbish sacks and litter pickers provided, but please bring your own broom / shovels / etc
Any questions please contact
published on 2nd Mar 2017
The afternoon begins with a glass of Champagne prior to guests being seated for afternoon tea in St Margaret's Chapel.
At 14:30 sit back and listen to Lulu - celebrated singer, songwriter, actress, TV personality and businesswoman - as she talks about her career and showcases products from her fabulous hair and skin care range - Time Bomb.
After plates are replenished Lulu will then spend time at each table, chatting with guests answering individual queries and sharing her beauty tips.
Run in association with Fenwick York there will be a chance to purchase products on the day and benefit with £10 from the ticket price being redeemable against purchases made on the day.
Tickets cost £50 and all profits will go to the QM Foundation Bursary Fund. The event is open to all so feel free to shout about it to your friends and family.
To book your tickets please contact