published on 31st Dec 2018
The following update appeared in January's Parish Magazine:
The Parish Council has now received a design and quotation for the installation of traffic lights at the A19 / Skipwith Road junction. This includes pedestrian crossings across both the A19 and Skipwith Road. NYCC has explored potential grant funding, and the NPIF funding announced in the Budget – but has not been able to find any funding for the scheme. The option of using Selby District Council ‘CIL’ funding has also been explored but the scheme does not meet eligibility criteria. Simplistically the Parish Council now has a choice of whether to fund the scheme itself through a long-term loan and get on with it; or to continue to look for other sources of funding, but with no certainty as to if/when these will be found. To inform this decision, the Parish Council agreed to get details of possible loan options. If a loan is feasible, it is proposed that this choice be put to a public consultation in 2019.
The Parish Council has asked two highways consultancies to provide proposals for the review of other highways concerns in the Parish. The intention is to provide impartial expert advice on those issues where residents disagree with conclusions reached by the highways authority (NYCC). This includes issues such as speed limits, parking restrictions, speed mitigation measures, and the request for a pedestrian refuge island for business park workers.
The police camera van continues to be deployed regularly in Escrick. Since the start of the year, 28 deployments on Skipwith Road have caught 274 motorists; 4 deployments to the A19 outside the Sang Thai have caught no speeding motorists, and 3 deployments on the A19 south of Escrick have caught 32 motorists.
The NDP team will be holding a public meeting at Escrick Village Hall on Sunday 20th January at 3pm to report back on findings from the survey undertaken in the summer, and advise on next steps. All welcome.
Former Stillingfleet mine site: The application for a waste sorting centre was due to be heard in November, but had to be delayed following objections raised by Samuel Smith’s brewery in support of local residents. The earliest this can go to planning committee is in January. The Parish Council strongly opposes the development, and in conjunction with Stillingfleet PC has supported local residents with their objections.
Clay extraction west of A19: A public exhibition was held on 17th November, which largely reiterated information already known. The Parish Council used the opportunity to reiterate concerns on the traffic impact from the proposed development.
The Parish Council resolved to keep its precept unaltered for 2019/20. The bulk of expenditure covers insurance, grass cutting, street lighting, governance/administration – with a discretionary provision for two additional street lights, and for the highways consultants noted above. Full details of budget are on our website
Our longest serving Councillor, Brian Forster, has stood down after 28 years on the Council. We’re very grateful for Brian’s diligent contribution over the years, and hope we will still get his contribution as a member of the public.
The Parish Council has four vacancies for Parish Councillors – please contact us via details below if you would like to join the Parish Council.
Monday 7th Jan, 4th Feb, 4th March, 1st April. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
published on 13th Dec 2018
Yorkshire Ambulance Service have agreed to host a free first aid training session for Escrick residents:
Sunday 3rd February, 1.30pm - 4pm, at Escrick Village Hall.
As we have a limited number of places, registration is required - please email to reserve your place(s).
The course covers the following topics:
How to recognise a suspected heart attack.
How, when and why to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
A demonstration with an automated external defibrillator (AED) training machine.
How to perform hands-only (chest compressions) CPR.
How, when and why to place an unconscious breathing person into the recovery position.
How to recognise and deal with a choking situation.
How to deal with a suspected stroke (FAST).
How to deal with life-threatening or serious bleeding.
published on 9th Dec 2018
Between 16:30 and 22:30 on Saturday 8th December some items have been stolen from a vehicle parked in a restaurant’s car park in Escrick.
If you have any information in relation to this incident please phone 101 and quote NYP-08122018-0571.
When leaving your vehicle police advise individuals to remove any valuables and ensure that all doors are locked and windows closed.
published on 19th Nov 2018
On the afternoon of Monday 19th November there was a break-in to a house on Woodlands. The burglar(s) possibly gained access from Carr Lane.
Residents are encouraged to be vigilant and report any information that may be relevant to the police on 101.
published on 13th Nov 2018
QM is looking for some part time admin help to work in the School, ideally someone with office and data inputting experience, to start immediately.
Hours (3 hours per day) flexible within the School day during term time only.
Anyone interested should contact the Head's PA, Claire Tonks by 16 November.
published on 12th Nov 2018 (updated on 13th Nov 2018)
We now have four vacancies for Parish Councillors in Escrick.
Any adult resident of the Parish can apply to be a Parish Councillor. The main commitment is to attend the monthly Parish Council meetings (usually with a bit of background reading before), albeit there is also opportunity to get involved in other working groups if you have more time available.
The Parish Council oversees several local amenities, and makes representations on behalf of residents to other bodies. More information about the Parish Council's activities can be found on our website:
If you are interested, or would like to understand more, please contact the chair (, the Clerk ( or speak to any Councillor.
Official notice of vacancy (1 of 2)
Official Notice of Vacancy (2 of 2)
published on 9th Nov 2018
At around 4am on Wednesday 7th November there was a break-in to a house on Carrs Meadow.
The intruder(s) manipulated a lock to gain entry, and fled after being disturbed by the householder.
Separately, different residents had reported seeing three men acting suspiciously in the area on Tuesday - claiming to be fish sellers. It is not known if this is related.
Residents are encouraged to be vigilant and report any information that may be relevant to the police on 101.
published on 31st Oct 2018
Every year over 30,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of hospital - often witnessed by family members and friends.
Escrick has a CPR a training kit and from time-to-time we can arrange CPR training courses for local residents. We're considering arranging another one for December or January. If you are interested, please can you email so that we have an idea of numbers, and can contact you when we have fixed a date.
Remember Escrick has a public access defibrillator, located outside Escrick & Deighton Club on Main St.
You don't need training to use it.
It is simple and safe. The machine gives clear spoken instructions. If you are still not confident using it, the 999 emergency operator can also help you. More details
published on 31st Oct 2018
Please see poster below the the Police & Crime Commissioner regarding an advice surgery she is holding in Selby – (Appointment only)