published on 2nd Mar 2022
The following update appears in March 2022 Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stops: We are waiting for City of York Council to confirm installation timescales for an additional streetlight opposite the Sang Thai to improve lighting on the way to, and at, the bus stops. City of York Council have advised that they are unable to provide a bin for the southbound bus stop. City of York Council have advised that the bus stops will not be added to the York fares zone, as the majority of users of the stops are not residents of the City of York Council area.
Highways: Dropped kerbs are in the process of being installed at many of the junctions in the village to aid wheelchair and pushchair users. A ‘village gateway’ is due to be installed on Skipwith Road at the entrance to the village from the south, as a speeding mitigation measure.
Neighbourhood Development Plan: Prior to the independent examination, Selby District Council as the Local Planning Authority is inviting comments on the submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan from 21 February - 4 April 2022. See for more details.
Shop: A working group is continuing to develop proposals for a shop in the village.
Jubilee celebrations: Various activities are being coordinated by groups in the village for the Jubilee long-weekend, in addition to a Jubilee garden initiative. Details will be published directly by those organising these.
Solar farm: The Parish Council received a presentation from IPV Flexjen Ltd regarding their plans for a solar farm to the southeast of the village. Details of the proposals are on Selby District Council’s planning portal:
Escrick 10k: The Escrick 10k for 2022 has been cancelled due to lack of volunteers to take on key roles in the organising committee.
Councillors: Nigel Bartle has sadly stood down from the Council. The Council is very grateful for his contributions over the past three years. We now have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 7th March, 4th April and 9th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
published on 1st Mar 2022
The March edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link:
published on 25th Feb 2022
From Sustrans:
A closure will be in place from Stillingfleet Road to Riccall from 8:00am on Tuesday 1st March for around three weeks to allow for resurfacing works to take place. Unfortunately, we are unable to signpost a suitable diversion.
Resurfacing work will be taking place in sections along the path in the coming weeks and we will update this pagewith further information regarding closures as dates are confirmed. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
published on 23rd Feb 2022
Notice from IPV Flexgen
Manor Farm Solar - an opportunity to view our proposals.
A solar farm is being proposed for a site south east of Escrick near Skipwith Road.
You can view the proposals and speak to the project team at the Escrick and Deighton Club on Thursday,
March 10th from noon until 8pm.
Alternatively, you can find out more by visiting the website:
All details will be available online from Thursday, March 10th. If you do not have access to the internet, and
would like to know more, please call 01904 890733.
Proposals being led by IPV Flexgen:
published on 20th Feb 2022
21 February - 4 April 2022
Escrick Parish Council has formally submitted the draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan for independent examination.
Prior to the independent examination, Selby District Council as the Local Planning Authority is inviting comments on the submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan is available to view on Selby District Council’s webpage:
To make representation on the submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan, please submit your comments to Selby District Council no later than 5pm on 4 April 2022 by completing the on-line comment form at:
Paper copies of the Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan are available to view between 8am and 4pm daily at St Helen’s Church, York Road, Escrick, York, YO19 6LE
For queries, please contact the Planning Policy Team, Selby District Council by email:, or Telephone: 01757 705101
published on 2nd Feb 2022
The February edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link:
published on 26th Jan 2022
that pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the said Parish.
If by 16 February, 2022 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill the vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 22 April, 2022.
Dated 27 January, 2022
published on 15th Jan 2022
We're really keen to find some volunteers to help ensure Escrick continues to have a fun and well maintained playground.
Next time you visit the playground, you'll notice that unfortunately there's two fewer pieces of equipment than there used to be.
Most of the playground dates back to 2005 and is now reaching the end of its life - so unfortunately these won't be the last pieces that have to be removed.
The playground is overseen and funded by the Escrick Playing Fields Association. This is a charity founded by parents in the village to ensure each generation of children has somewhere to play. The association raises money through events such as the Escrick 10k, sponsored events (e.g. dragon boat race) and grant applications.
We're looking for the next generation of parents to get involved and share their ideas, energy and fund raising skills to buy and install the next generation of equipment for the playground.
If you are able to help, please contact Simon Hunt - or Richard Rowson -
published on 8th Jan 2022
The Parish Council meeting scheduled for Monday 10th January 2022 has been cancelled due to Covid.
Government legislation no longer permits remote meetings, such as via Zoom, so this is not possible as an alternative.
published on 2nd Jan 2022
The following update appears in January 2022's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stops: We are waiting for City of York Council to confirm installation timescales for an additional streetlight opposite the Sang Thai to improve lighting on the way to, and at, the bus stops.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Get involved! We’re still looking for volunteers in several areas:
If you are interested in getting involved in any of the above, please contact
Parish Council meeting dates: 10th January, 7th February and 7th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: