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New bin day

published on 25th Mar 2020

This notice was last updated on 25th Mar 2020.

Just when you thought nothing else could change - bin day is moving to Tuesdays.

Use your recycling bins from now on.

You can check which colour of bin is being collected each week on our website:

Parish Magazine - April

published on 24th Mar 2020

This notice was last updated on 24th Mar 2020.

I am very sorry to say, but following the announcement by the Prime Minister last night, we are suspending the Parish Magazine until further notice. 

We have cancelled the printing of the April magazines which would have been available at the end of this week. We will keep monitoring the situation and will resume as soon as we are able.

April's magazine is available online instead.

COVID-19 : Playing fields and playground

published on 20th Mar 2020 (updated on 22nd Apr 2020)

This notice was last updated on 22nd Apr 2020.

Playground and playing fields:

In accordance with the Government announcement on 23rd March, and The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, the playground is now closed.

The playing field remains open for exercise. Residents are requested to maintain social distancing whilst accessing the site, and whilst on the site.



published on 17th Mar 2020 (updated on 2nd Nov 2020)

This notice was last updated on 2nd Nov 2020.


last updated 2nd November 2020

Practical help

Help for people self-isolating:

With the reintroduction of lockdown, we are reestablishing the support network for people who need assistance with shopping and prescriptions.

If you need help please call any of Caroline 720703, Jan 728741 or Jill 728424 or email

This activity is being coordinated by local volunteers. We will match those in need of support with those willing to help. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered.

If you are able to volunteer

Please let us know here

If you previously volunteered, but would like to be removed from the list, simply email and we'll remove you from this list.

Local Businesses offering delivery:

Heslington Fresh Foods Ltd (based at Escrick Business Park)

N W Parkin & Son milk deliveries : See

Updates for North Yorkshire County Council and Selby District Council:

Village Facilities / Events

Parish Magazine - is online only for April and then suspended until September: 

Playground / playing fields: Playground reopen from 4th July - please see this guidance

York Road Garage / Spar: Updated opening hours, open 6am - 9pm

Surgery/pharmacy: Open with updated arrangements.

Sang Thai:  see website:

Escrick Church: see website:

Village Hall:  see website:

Tennis Courts: see website:

Escrick Tea shop: Suspended 

Escrick Club: See website:


Coronavirus update from Selby District Council

published on 10th Mar 2020

This notice was last updated on 10th Mar 2020.

This is to update you on the position with Covid-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus.

As you’d expect, all our services are undertaking significant planning to prepare for the impact of the virus, both in terms of the potential impact on our own staff and on our residents and businesses.

We continue to work in partnership with Public Health England, Public Health at the County Council and our local partners to ensure we’re working together to manage this challenge.  We have a strong track record of working together to deal with significant issues affecting our communities.  This partnership approach is being managed through the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum.

We’re also supporting the government’s public information campaign, linking back to nationally-agreed key messages.  We’ll be talking to staff about how best to protect themselves and the people they come into contact with.  

This is an ever-changing situation, with new cases announced daily.  We’re following the very latest government guidance and will continue to plan and adapt our response as required.

More information can be found at:

Selby Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation response from Escrick Parish Council

published on 4th Mar 2020

This notice was last updated on 4th Mar 2020.

Selby Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation Submission Feb 2020.pdf

Parish Magazine Update - March 2020

published on 1st Mar 2020

This notice was last updated on 1st Mar 2020.

The following update appeared in March's Parish Magazine

Escrick Parish Council:


A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: NYCC have acknowledged our request for a meeting to discuss the issues that they have recently raised, but at the time of writing the request is still outstanding.


Pavements:  A further representation was made at February’s meeting that obstruction of pavements continues to be an issue in parts of the village. It was resolved to report the hedgerows concerned to NYCC requesting enforcement action. Bins and ‘pavement parking’ blocking pavements also continue to be an issue, and further guidance has been requested from SDC’s parking enforcement team.


Dropped kerbs: The Parish Council has submitted a request to NYCC for dropped kerbs to be installed at various locations in the village, with the priority areas being Carr Lane at the entrance of The Glade, and across the Carr Lane / Skipwith Road junction.  NYCC has a rolling programme of improving accessibility of pavements (e.g. for wheelchair users), and these requests will be added to the list of requests for 2021.



At the time of writing there was no significant update on the large planning applications in/around the Parish. We will provide updates on our website if we receive further updates regarding the former mine sites, quarry or tip site.



The site selection phase of the NDP is now underway, and land-owners with potential sites for development have been requested to put these forward for consideration. In parallel the evaluation criteria for the site selection process is being developed by the NDP team.


Parish Councillors:

At February’s meeting Terry Chambers and Ian Reynolds were both co-opted onto the Parish Council.

We currently have two further vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact us (details below) if you may be interested in joining the Council and contributing to the local community.


Parish Council meeting dates:  2nd March, 6th April, and 4th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.  Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:


Flood risk update

published on 16th Feb 2020 (updated on 18th Feb 2020)

This notice was last updated on 18th Feb 2020.

see Environment Agency Website

Storm Dennis: Flood Support Information

published on 15th Feb 2020

This notice was last updated on 15th Feb 2020.

We’re expecting significant amounts of rainfall over the weekend on ground that’s already very wet.  Selby District Council have updated the flood support information on their website.  Click here for the latest update.  

Police request: Primary school incident

published on 10th Feb 2020

This notice was last updated on 10th Feb 2020.

On the afternoon of Sunday 2nd February the alarm at Escrick Primary School was activated after unknown person(s) had forced open an exterior door. 

Police are asking residents to contact North Yorkshire Police on 101 if youths are sighted on the school grounds out of hours, or obviously if anything suspicious is seen.


Showing notices 131 to 140, of 449

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