published on 16th Jul 2021
The Parish Council have confirmed that the playground will revert to normal rules, in line with the move to step 4 on Monday 19th July. This means that the limit of 20 persons on site will no longer apply, nor restrictions on household mixing on individual pieces of play equipment.
However, national legislation means you still must not use the playground if you are required to isolate.
The playground is in a rural setting, and we share the playground with rabbits, moles and hedgehogs amongst other animals. Mole hills and rabbit scrapes are a natural biproduct of their presence. Work is undertaken from time to time to remove the worst of these, and Wheldrake Junior Football club are working to improve the surface of the football pitch ahead of next season.
However, inevitably there will remain uneven areas and trip hazards and care should be taken when using the facility. As rabbit scrapes and mole hills can appear at any time, always check the surface for hazards immediately before playing.
Do feel free to relocate soil from mole hills to fill rabbit scrapes if you identify specific areas of concern.
published on 4th Jul 2021
WEDNESDAY 14 TH JULY 2021, 1930
(Followed by an Ordinary Meeting)
This meeting is intended to take place in the Village Hall itself and will be in line with the latest Government Guidelines.
In order for us to ensure we can abide by these restrictions, could you please notify Sara Cunningham (0757 976 9931 or 01904 728471) if you wish to attend.
published on 30th Jun 2021
The following update appearing in July 2021 Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Neighbourhood Plan:
The Neighbourhood Plan working group are seeking residents’ views on the pre-submission draft of Escrick’s Neighbourhood Plan (NDP).
As the culmination of nearly 4 years work by the team and external consultants, the NDP sets out the planning vision for our local community through to 2035. It is the most local part of the planning hierarchy. When adopted, the NDP forms statutory guidance to District and County planning officers when making local planning decisions. It sits alongside Selby District Council's 'Local Plan' and National Government planning policy and targets.
See (responses by 18th July 2021)
Conservation Area:
Selby District Council Planning Policy Team is running a public consultation on its Draft Conservation Area Appraisals for the parish. The draft appraisals identify the features which make a positive or negative contribution to the special character of the conservation area. The document also provides recommendations for future enhancement.
The consultation runs for 6 weeks from Friday 18th June to Friday 30th July. See
‘Pull a stalk whilst you walk’
Himalayan Balsam is an invasive species that has established itself in Gassy Woods. It needs active management to prevent it spreading further, and eclipsing other species.
If you are able to help by pulling up, even with just a little whilst walking in the woods, it would be greatly appreciated. See posters in the woods for details.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 5th July, 6th September, and 4th October (no meeting in August). All meetings at 7.30pm, please check website/noticeboard for venue. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
published on 30th Jun 2021
The July edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online! Here is the link:
published on 18th Jun 2021
Selby District Council Planning Policy Team is launching a public consultation on its Draft Conservation Area Appraisals for the parishes of:
If you download the draft Conservation Area Appraisal documents use the 'save tab' before viewing so you can view and use the interactive map within the document.
The appraisals have been produced by Alan Baxter Associates in conjunction with Selby District Council.
The draft appraisals identify the features which make a positive or negative contribution to the special character of the conservation area. The document also reviews the boundary and provides recommendations for future enhancement. A link to the document can be found below.
The consultation will run for 6 weeks from Friday 18th June to Friday 30th July.
All comments must be received by 5pm on Friday 30th July 2021.
You can submit comments using our online comments form here
Alternatively responses can be returned by e-mail to; or by post to the Planning Policy Team, Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT.
published on 10th Jun 2021
Himalayan Balsam is an invasive species that has established itself in Gassy Woods.
It needs active management to prevent it spreading further, and eclipsing other species.
If you are able to help by pulling up (as below), even with just a little whilst walking in the woods, it would be greatly appreciated.
published on 7th Jun 2021
We are consulting upon the final draft of Escrick's Neighbourhood Plan from Monday 7th June until Sunday 18th July 2021. See for details.
published on 3rd Jun 2021
The recent warm weather has given many plants a much needed growth spurt. However, as a result in a few places hedges and weeds are starting to encroach into pavements, and the visibility splays at junctions.
For the benefit of other residents, we'd appreciate people checking whether their frontage would benefit from a quick trim.
The Highways Act 1980, section 154, creates a legal obligation for the owner or occupier of a property to ensure that the 'public highway' adjacent to their property is not obstructed by vegetation from their property. A 'public highway' means any verge, footway, carriageway, bridleway or footpath that is maintained at public expense and over which the public has a right of way.
As a guide, hedges/trees should be no lower than 7ft 6" over a pavement, and no lower than 17ft over a road.
The Parish Council's contractor will be cutting the hedges that the Parish Council maintains on their next visit to the village (within the next 2 weeks).
We are aware that some confusion exists around the legality and probity of cutting hedges during the bird nesting season. It is an offence under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 to intentionally damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built. As such, it is generally recommended to avoid cutting hedges where feasible during the peak nesting season of March – August. Whilst it is best to defer significant pruning until outside the nesting season, it is not illegal to trim hedges during this time, providing reasonable steps are taken to check that a birds nest will not be damaged or destroyed.
published on 1st Jun 2021
The following update appears in June 2021 Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stop: The provision of bins has been agreed by City of York Council.
Planning: The District Council has advised that they expect to do a further round of consultation on the local plan in the late summer/early Autumn. This is expected to include some additional sites put forward since the consultation in March, and may include an emerging preference on the new settlement proposals.
Highways: The Parish Council has received another complaint about parking associated with the primary school. It was agreed to pass this to the primary school for now, but when Covid restriction have ended to explore whether there are more proactive steps that can be taken.
Shop: The desire for a Post Office and/or shop in the village was a key theme from the Neighbourhood Plan surveys. Cllr Hawes has agreed to develop proposals as how the Parish Council might support this ambition, including looking at community shop schemes operated in other villages.
Maintenance: Cllr Chambers has painted the wooden posts at the Jubilee memorial, and replanted the planters in front of the village signs. The bushes overhanging the coronation memorial are to be trimmed back to allow the area to be tidied.
Council: The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 4th May. The annual governance and account statements were approved. Cllr Rowson and Cllr Reader agreed to continue as Chair and Vice-Chair for a further year to allow others to prepare to take-on these roles.
Parish Council meeting dates: Councillors agreed to cancel June’s meeting. Assuming no major changes to easing of Covid restrictions the Council will return to physical meetings from July. Future meeting dates: 5th July, 6th September and 4th October. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
published on 31st May 2021
The June edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link: