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Escrick Park Events 2019

published on 2nd Aug 2019

This notice was last updated on 2nd Aug 2019.

Please be advised of the following events taking place at Escrick Park this summer:

2nd - 4th August : Motorcycle Action Group Yorkshire Pudding Rally. This is a ticket holder only event.

30th August - 1st September Classic Volkswagen Field of Dreams event. Tickets are expected to be available on the gate.

Escrick Parish Council - August update

published on 1st Aug 2019

This notice was last updated on 1st Aug 2019.

The following notice appeared in August's Parish Magazine

Escrick Parish Council:

A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. Councillors debated the scheme on 1st July, including the findings of the precept increase consultation, and resolved to apply to the Secretary of State for authority to borrow the funds to finance the scheme. This is the first of a number of steps that have to happen before the scheme can go ahead, these include receiving the permission to borrow, applying for the loan itself, placing the order with North Yorkshire highway, who in turn will need to do a consultation on the scheme design. More: 

Skipwith Road speeding: The Parish Council has agreed to buy a portable vehicle activated speed sign which can be moved between different locations in the Parish.  It was agreed that the initial location should be Skipwith Road in the vicinity of the Carr Lane junction. A contribution to the cost of the sign and mounting post is expected from the County Councillor’s highways budget.

Former North Selby mine site: At the time of writing the planning authorities are still considering the application. Highways England has however placed a ’notice of non-determination’ on the application.  This means that the planning authorities cannot grant permission for the scheme until Highways Englands’ concerns which primarily relate to the impact on the A19/A64 junction have been adequately addressed.

Former Stillingfleet Mine site: We have been advised that planning officers will be recommending that the application for a waste sorting site is declined.

Escrick brickworks tip variation: At the time of writing there is no further update on the application to extend the volume of waste to be deposited at the site.

Clay extraction west of business park: A planning application for clay extraction is expected over the summer.

Get involved: 
A few people have commented recently that they feel that they don’t have visibility of issues being considered by, nor the opportunity to contribute to decisions being made by the Parish Council.  We do try to summarise all the key issues that we are working on in this monthly update, and there is a lot more information including agendas and minutes on our website (  Please don’t feel that you can only share your views when there’s a formal consultation. If you see a topic that is of interest to you, please just contact us.

We currently have three vacancies for Parish Councillors.  Please contact us if you might be interested or want to understand more about what is involved.

Parish Council meeting dates:  2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Escrick's 2nd Scarecrow Festival

published on 31st Jul 2019 (updated on 2nd Aug 2019)

This notice was last updated on 2nd Aug 2019.

Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd September. 11am - 3pm.

Temporary closure - Main St - 29th July to 2nd August 2019

published on 26th Jul 2019

This notice was last updated on 26th Jul 2019.

Northern Powergrid will be installing a new electricity supply to the new houses adjacent to the beck / Runmidd.

This will require digging a trench for a new cable across the road in the vicinity.

Northern Powergrid have been granted a 5 day closure to undertake the work from 29th July to 2nd August, albeit it is likely that the work will not take the full duration of this time.

Missing Jack Russell terrier

published on 15th Jul 2019

This notice was last updated on 15th Jul 2019.

Fudge is a lovely 15 year old wire-haired Jack Russell terrier who is madly missed by owner Gilly after he went walkabout on June 26th in Wheldrake near York. He's very deaf, doesn't take kindly to other dogs and is mistrustful of small children. But he is Gilly's much-loved constant companion and we have to find him. Share like mad please! He has been seen in Escrick in the woods near the playground.

PLANNED ROAD CLOSURE : Road from Thorganby to Wheldrake

published on 4th Jul 2019

This notice was last updated on 4th Jul 2019.

The Closure will be in place for a period of 26 days between 29th July 2019 and 23rd August 2019

The Road Closure and any associated Diversion Routes can be viewed using this URL link


North Yorkshire County Council

Escrick Parish Council - July update

published on 1st Jul 2019

This notice was last updated on 1st Jul 2019.

The following update appears in July's edition of the Parish Magazine

Escrick Parish Council

A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. By the time this edition of the Parish Magazine arrives through your letterbox we should know the outcome of the consultation, and the Parish Council is expected to decide at July’s meeting whether or not to apply to the Secretary of State for authority to borrow the funds required.  

Additional street lighting: As resolved at March’s meeting, two additional street lights have been installed on Main St to address concerns from residents about the dark spots. However, the Parish Council has received a complaint from some residents of Main St seeking the removal. The complainants believe that the lighting is unnecessary; inconsistent with the area’s Conservation Area status; and that the Council had not adequately consulted residents of the village on the topic. At the time of writing the complaint remains unresolved.

Hedges, bushes and other foliage: It is that time of year again when the greenery of our village is growing rapidly, and we have started to received the annual complaints about foliage obstructing pavements.  Please can residents ensure that foliage outside their property does not obstruct pavements. Can householders located at junctions be particularly mindful of any hedges that might obstruct visibility from the junction.

Former North Selby mine site: At the time of writing the planning authorities (City of York and Selby District) are still considering the application. There has been additional consultation on the highways impact of the proposed development.

Former Stillingfleet Mine site: We have been advised that planning officers will be recommending that the application for a waste sorting site is declined.

Escrick brickworks tip variation: At the time of writing there is no further update on the application to extend the volume of waste to be deposited at the site.

Clay extraction west of business park: A planning application for clay extraction is expected shortly.

Locality funding:
County Cllr Musgrave has a small locality budget to fund community initiatives within his ward. Eligible schemes are typically £500 - £2000 in size and of community benefit. Any local groups that have initiatives that may benefit from funding are encouraged to contact either the Parish Council or Cllr Musgrave directly.

Speeding / traffic noise:
North Yorkshire County Council have established a new scheme whereby Parish Councils can purchase portable ‘vehicle activated speed signs’ (the signs that alert when a vehicle is over the speed limit).  The signs are designed to be used on a part-time basis across a number of different locations.  The Parish Council has resolved to request a site visit from NYCC to evaluate potential locations.

The Parish Council has also been pursuing a number of avenue to encourage motorbikes to take alternative routes avoiding the village, and is to approach NYCC about potential signage on the approach to the village.
Parish Council meeting dates:  1st July, 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact:  Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:

Carr Lane footpath resurfacing

published on 21st Jun 2019 (updated on 28th Jun 2019)

This notice was last updated on 28th Jun 2019.

North Yorkshire County Council will be undertaking pavement resurfacing on Carr Lane. 

The works are currently programmed to commence on 25th  June 2019 and complete within 90 working days.

The work is part of an extensive programme and as a consequence it is possible that some adjustment to this start date or the duration of the works may be necessary should unforeseen circumstances such as significant weather events or emergencies on the highway network arise.  Advance warning signs will be placed on both sides of the closure points indicating when operations are due to commence.

The works will be carried out between the hours of 07:30 – 17:30. This may inevitably restrict vehicular access to properties directly affected but our contractors will try to assist you where possible during the working day. Please be advised there may be extended periods when access will just not be possible due to the nature of the works and physical constraints of the site. 

NYCC request your assistance in the following ways:- 

Please contact North Yorkshire County Council Customer Resolution Centre on 01609 780780 to identify any special access needs you may have during the work period;

Cooperate and comply with any instructions issued by the traffic management operatives and take extra care whilst within the works area.

NYCC would like to take this opportunity to apologise for any disruption that these works may cause and would again request your cooperation to help ensure an efficiently and safely executed project.

Map of planned works
Map of planned works

Hedges & pavements - friendly reminder

published on 8th Jun 2019

This notice was last updated on 8th Jun 2019.

At this time of year every year the Parish Council starts to receive complaints about hedges, trees and other foliage obstructing pavements, street lights, or signs – or just generally being untidy.

Thank you to the vast majority of residents who help keep the Parish looking smart, and keep the roads and pavements unobstructed.  Can we give a gentle reminder to the small number that might need a reminder.

The legal position:

  • The owner or occupier of a property has a legal responsibility (Highway Act 1980, s154) to ensure that the 'public highway' adjacent to their property is not obstructed by vegetation from their property. Local Authorities (in our case North Yorkshire County Council) also have a legal duty to ensure that public highways and street lights are unobstructed, and hence to act upon complaints about any such obstruction.
  • As a guide, hedges/trees should be no lower than 7ft 6" over a pavement, and no lower than 17ft over a road. 
  • Trees should not obstruct street lighting. This is usually interpreted that the light should be visible and effective at the mid-point to the next light, or 20m away where there is not a continuous system of lighting.
  • A 'public highway' means any verge, footway, carriageway, bridleway or footpath that is maintained at public expense and over which the public has a right of way. 

If you are concerned, in the first instance we usually suggest a friendly reminder to the resident concerned – as most incidents are due to oversight rather than ill intent.

If the matter is not resolved, you can report obstructions to roads and pavements on the North Yorkshire County Council website:

(The responsibility for cutting hedges along the various permissive footpaths, shared driveways, and other public space in the village is more complex, and usually dealt with the rental / leasehold agreements).

Recycling Consultation

published on 31st May 2019

This notice was last updated on 31st May 2019.

Please see the link below regarding a consultation by Selby District Council on recycling collections:

Showing notices 171 to 180, of 449

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